a collection of some of the prayer journals made by a group of remarkable women while on a retreat in montreat this past weekend, a time for 23 mothers to reflect and connect. it was a gift to have the opportunity to sit and talk and be crafty, while setting intentions for more dedicated prayer time in our own lives.
January 24, 2011
January 21, 2011
a winter evening's walk
cold sharp breath
unfolding the tightest of recesses
light shining
clouds playing the sun's muse
and upon return home
the warmth greets you
and envelops you
your cheeks aglow
and energy restored
a blessing it is to
venture and return
January 18, 2011
a little boost
January 13, 2011
(extra)ordinary moments
i have spent so much time in my home lately feeling under the weather and sick of the weather and it felt good today to pull out the camera and see how much ordinary beauty lies within these walls on any given day if I just shift my perspective. the little one sits like this at least twice a day to eat her cereal, her current favorite food. she savors each little bite, bops and bounces between spoonfuls and shares little anecdotes of life here and there. she has begun to "tell stories" and we never know what we are in for now. this week she told her dad that she "was chasing a fish and I pulled his tail and he said he was hungry so I gave him a sandwich". i am so grateful for our emerging daily round table discussions.
January 5, 2011
2011 Word of the Year
isla mujeres, where I long to return.
Last year was the first year that I have set a word of the year. It was at someone else's prompt and I came up with "UNHURRY". At the dawn of 2010 I was in a state of recovery from meningitis and was in search of ways to make changes in life that would promote better health and peace in my day-to-day life. It was time to listen to the most honest friends in my life who were willing to tell me what I didnt want to hear, that I needed to slow down. way down. and for the most part I did. many days I still possessed "a hurried mind" but I worked hard to be in tune with the acceleration and figured out ways to put on the brakes. I can say that I was present throughout the majority of the year and while some real challenges came my way, my "unhurrying" served me well in sitting with them and allowing the emotions to rise and release.
Now 2011 is underway and I have felt great resistance into getting into the swing of things and have felt stuck in what I wanted to bring forth into this space. I had committed to myself when I began this site that it would not be another place of clutter in my life, I would not post out of obligation or expectation, but would listen to what I would want to offer up. and yet there is something to be said for expectation, it kicks you in the butt when you get lazy or lose confidence or direction. and sometimes just climbing in the saddle destiny unbound is the best thing you can do. so today I mounted and my word of 2011 showed up for me, blazon and ready to behold. TRUST. trust in my body, trust in the universe, trust in intuition. trust in the cycles of health, emotions, and nature. trust in what dear loved ones tell me that I sometimes just can't hear. trust in prayer. and trust that i will again one day soak in turquoise salty water under sunny skies feeling healthy and strong and eat fresh fish with my toes in the sand. just declaring this trust makes my lips taste salty.
Please share your word(s) of 2011 if you would like. its not a resolution, just an intention. xo