August 25, 2010

"can i touch it?"

don't be afraid to touch it, originally uploaded by AnnieLaurel.

can i touch it? a great, simple sounding question and yet is one we continue to ask ourselves and those around us all throughout life, the "it" just changes form. as we face challenges, turn corners, or dare to look within, we ask: is it going to be painful when I touch it? will it feel good? will it tickle? will it bite? will it recoil? will it embrace? will it disappear? is it really there?

determining what to touch and what to leave respectfully untouched is something many of us will never fully reckon. but i think we must continue to ask the question as we stand at the threshold, take pause to balance our reverence and our curiosity, and if we listen with our hearts we will generally get the right answer.


  1. That little hand, how precious and sweet and fresh it is. Would so love to go for a walk in the woods and see what she would like to touch today.

  2. I am so loving your words in this space! It's all so refreshing and keeps drawing me in wanting more.

    Thanks for sharing, Annie

  3. such evocative writing, annie. "can we touch it?" I love that question... x
