Recently, a friend and I were talking about how much we savor the open-ended nature of our current days with our little ones, but that we have to be honest with ourselves, and others, about how worn out we often find ourselves. we talked about the preciousness of these moments, regardless of how exhausting they can be when actually in the moment. I explained how maybe by looking at our own childhoods we can possibly regain motivation for our current efforts. I believe that the confidence and basic love of life that I developed in my early years gave me the skills I needed to overcome some of the turbulence of later years, and for that i am truly grateful.
These days, while viewing life through the eyes of a two year old, I find myself thinking alot about my own early childhood in scotland and england. my happiest memories generally revolve around the following things: nature, unstructured days, tea time, stories in bed, lazy rainy dark afternoons, kitchen activity, picnics, imaginary play with various inanimate characters, all sorts of people coming in and out, outings to various beautiful sites (lots of stone and places to hide), and a sense of discovery and general playfulness.
The elements of my own early childhood are many of the same ones that I am hoping, and working, to pass on to my little one. today I had the joy of exploring along the parkway and hiking with my father and daughter. it thrilled me to see her pick up on his unique sense of humor on her own and to experience some of the playfulness with him that I held dear as a child.
I know that our road together as parent and child will not always be smooth. however, I hold great hope that she will one day look back at these early days and feel like she knows who she is and kindly regards the people who circled her with love. most of all though, I hope that upon reflection she finds treasures in this time and is able to revive some of these elements as a way to reconnect with herself.
what elements would you like to pass on, or simply reconnect yourself with, from your own childhood?
Love this post! I have found a few great pics of me when I was a little girl. Can't wait to share them with you!