September 3, 2015


I often think of retreats as dedicated times of retreating from the practices that cloud us-mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Today I savor the notion of retreat as the practice of re-treating ourselves to the detours that serve our soul's longings. Sitting with toes in cold river water at twilight, listening wholeheartedly with a balanced reverence of light and shadow. Reveling in the fine details of another's labor of love and feeling home without the impending to-do list and mess of home. Turning the wheel right because you have quieted the internal noise enough to hear the call of the discovery that awaits you from down that lane. A life that honors re-treats, that demands them, and that creates these opportunities for fellow journeyers, this is one I hold myself accountable to.

June 18, 2015

Fragmented. We connect.

Holding space for the holy questions. The ones that keep us up at night and whose potency can paralyze us when faced in their wholeness. So we honor the fragments and the interweaving with those of kindred hearts. All of our truest expressions are really just fragments anyways aren't they? Fragments of the Whole Ever-Unfolding Collective Story. Bowed in humility, I pray for the possibility for each of us to live into the most reverent of answers. XO

June 9, 2015

The Journey Home

Almost two years since last posting here. Two years that in many ways have felt like an intoxicating exploration in the wilderness. But on this rain-drippy morning, in an ultra brief attempt at restoration - on the mat, cozy in my old Cookie Monster t-shirt, with the warm, soft body of Theo working its way fluidly into and through my poses - a subtle inner sense of return crept in. Return to this body, this porch, this space, this original nest of Revelry and Grace.