January 13, 2011

(extra)ordinary moments

(extra)ordinary moments, originally uploaded by AnnieLaurel.

i have spent so much time in my home lately feeling under the weather and sick of the weather and it felt good today to pull out the camera and see how much ordinary beauty lies within these walls on any given day if I just shift my perspective. the little one sits like this at least twice a day to eat her cereal, her current favorite food. she savors each little bite, bops and bounces between spoonfuls and shares little anecdotes of life here and there. she has begun to "tell stories" and we never know what we are in for now. this week she told her dad that she "was chasing a fish and I pulled his tail and he said he was hungry so I gave him a sandwich". i am so grateful for our emerging daily round table discussions.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are creating warmth and happiness there in the midst of the snow and ice! Thinking of you, Mary
